Home / News / Analysis of the reasons for the unpleasant smell of the floor drain of the washing machine

Analysis of the reasons for the unpleasant smell of the floor drain of the washing machine

In our life, the frequency of use of washing machines is very high. However, you may find such a problem. The Tile Insert Floor Drain of the washing machine often has the problem of nausea and water reflux. What is the cause? Today, I will take you to understand the reason why the floor drain of the washing machine smells bad.

What to do if the washing machine smells bad - the reason why the floor drain of the washing machine smells bad
In fact, there are certain defects in the water seal deodorant floor drain. In time, the height of the water seal meets the national standard of 50mm. The phenomenon of anti-odor of the washing machine floor drain may still occur, and the water seal will still emit odor, and because of the water flow channel Long and narrow, curved, and the area where the dirt is attached increases for a long time, which will breed a large number of bacteria and pests.
In summer or windy weather, the air pressure is constantly changing. The positive pressure in the washing machine pipeline will cause the bowl to float, and the odor will overflow from the water; while the negative pressure in the pipeline will destroy the water seal and the pipeline will lose its barrier. Odors can also spill into the room.
Since the deodorization effect of water-sealed floor drains is not ideal, the self-sealing floor drains on the market are mechanical. Due to the many limitations of the current technology, various failures are prone to lead to poor sealing, which will inevitably cause the floor drain to smell bad.
The water pipes of the washing machine are dark and damp, and a large number of small solid impurities in the waste water will stick and precipitate in the "U"-shaped water trap. Over time, these residues will become a breeding ground for germs and pests. Cockroaches, etc.