Home / News / A small floor drain is very important, teach you to build an underground anti-theft door

A small floor drain is very important, teach you to build an underground anti-theft door

The floor drain is too small. It is always arranged in the most inconspicuous position in the bathroom or kitchen, making people ignore its existence. In fact, although the floor drain is small, its impact on the health of the home is not small. Many families have probably encountered odor, overflow, or bugs crawling out of the floor drain. These are the faults of the floor drain-the floor drain connects the sewer pipe and the room. If the "door" formed by the water storage in the floor drain is destroyed, it is equivalent to connecting the sewer and the room as a whole without any barriers between them. Isn't it terrible? Therefore, the performance of the floor drain will not only affect the quality of indoor air, but will even affect the quality of life of the family.

Of course, in addition to checking the quality of the floor drain when purchasing, if there is a problem with the installed floor drain, you don’t have to feel desperate. There are actually many remedies given by experts. Fragrant environment.

When checking and accepting the floor drain after construction, you can pour some water into it, on the one hand to check whether it is blocked, on the other hand, it can also seal off the odor in time.

A poorly constructed floor drain will not only look unsightly, but will also have odor and overflow after use.

The floor drain of the washbasin is often a place that is easily overlooked during decoration and acceptance.

From top to bottom, they are: ordinary round floor drain, stainless steel floor drain, and eccentric water-sealed floor drain. Floor drains on the market have many styles and different textures, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. You must combine your own needs when purchasing.